Frequently Asked Questions

The FA-1 Gamer Arm Compression Device
The FA-1 Gamer is a novel, focused arm compression massager that can be worn on the arm above or below the elbow. It uses 2 AA batteries to lightly compress arm muscle areas in a cyclic fashion.
The Fist Assist FA-1 Gamer Device takes the basic principles of increased circulation (blood flow), compression massage and physical therapy to make a novel Device to help improve arm muscle circulation.
Two Double A (AA) batteries are required for operation. Provided by the user.
Due to the electrical parts, it is not recommended that the Device get wet. It can get damaged with liquid contact.
The Fist Assist family of devices were created by Stanford University trained vascular surgeon and blood vessel specialist Tej Singh, MD, founder of Fist Assist Devices, LLC in Las Vegas, Nevada, US
How do I wear the FA-1 Gamer?
The Device is made for the upper arm. It can be worn above or below the elbow. Apply to any area that is sore or hurting. For best function and stability, apply on top of a loose fitting shirt.
No, it should be put on with a snug comfortable fit. Not tight and not too lose. It works best with a mild snug fit.
Wear it while gaming!
Wear it during your normal daily activites!
It’s completely portable and travels with you!
Wear it with a light shirt, not on the bare arm, so that it stays in place.
Do not engage in strenuous activities which may move the Device.
30-60 minutes per day is ideal. Once turned on, the Device has an auto shutoff feature at 60 minutes.
You can enjoy 2 sessions each day if you feel you need it.
Please wear the Device on an arm with a light fitting shirt. The shirt and the device together make the perfect compression partnership and will limit the device’s moving
The Device is FDA 510(k) cleared. Years of testing have shown no medical complications. The Device can cause mild pain, skin irritation and some swelling on bare skin. Please make sure the Device is removed if it causes pain. The skin irritation risk can be decreased with a fabric barrier.